Friday, December 5, 2008

Santa!!! Santa!!!!

OMG... Christmas is just around the corner... so lets make a wish to santa... wahahaha...
"dear santa... i have a lot of wish this year that i hope it will be fullfill by u.. since you like to give a present to everyone on christmas day right... i hope u listen carefully to what am i wishing to have this year.. its quite a lot so please take notes...thank u and love u... muah!!!"

this is all of my wish... do take note... wahahaha...

1. sony alpha 300..

2. i wish for a new laptop.. if posible i want macbook... :D

3. i need a new brand new handphone and iwish to have iphone..

this is the most important wish that i really really hope that it will come thru is that i wanna

be a driver...wait... its not just a driver.. its PILOT... hehehe...

and this is where my office is... hahaha... the cockpit.. inside the aircraft...

hopefully santa will listen to my pray and my wish and fullfill it... amen!!!

Wahahahahah... gila lah mintak wish ngan santa... actually semua tok adalah wish yang patut di pintak ngan ALLAH... so.. "ALLAH i hope u are listening to my pray now and i hope all of my wishes will come thru one by one .. amin!!!!!"......:

sebenanya byk gik wish... tapi the most important thing is ngak nak 4 igek tok ajak... and tidak dilupakan untuk soulmates ku sekalian.. i'll pray for the best for u all.... hahahaha... amin!!! hopefully aku dapat nangga another shooting star and make another list of wishes... hahaha...



f.loren said...

wuh ehhh. merry krismes lah ngn kau. hahah gila maka ari nak raya aji. kau nyebut hal krismes lokkk. kach kau hahahha. aok doa2 k aku lah oh. u know i know. may every wishes come true lah. jadi pilot ya klak2 lok oit. get yr 1st dgree lok. hahah ngekot kata2 uncle kau bah..

apahal kau mok sony alpha? nikon bes gik ok ! eish!!!!

juan affandi said...

ya lah tek... nang ku berusaha gigih nak ngoleh degree lok tok...
klak ku always berdoa k.. iknow lah what u know.. hahaha...

sony alpha??? hmm... since byk gilak org makei nikon... so aku mok nak lain lah...hahaha.. aku kan pelek kit??? awww....

cheers... merry christmas...

ehh.. allah hu akbar.. allah hu akbar allah hu akbar.. la ila haillallah wallahu akbar.. allah hu akbar wa lilla ilham...

*nangis sapi n kambin*

Dosz said...

haha nang bankrup santa dengan wish list ko tok :p